Well, I know its safe to go to work tommorrow - Spitfires Won 2-1 over Kelowna tonight! Now as I type - The Wings are tied 2-2 with Obama's team..... they better kick ass tonight. Or a couple of certain co-workers will make my life a living hell at work. Moping......etc...and lets not forgot about DH - Oh Boy! He goes crazy over Detroit Play Off Hockey. Its Insane!
So I managed to watch the AI Finals Tonight. I totally think Adam rocked over Kris. This post has a great read on the show if you missed it. Never mind that it's titled 03/19/09 - its a big fat typo. BTW Kara's song SUCKED. Just felt the need to get that out there! Kris looked like he was in shock all night for being up on stage as one of the finals. Too bad it wasn't Danny!!
(((From all the shouting going on in my living room - I believe The Red Wings just scored! Go Wings!)
Back to AI:
And yes I voted! The little recording told me, "Thank you for voting for Contestant One!" Thank you very much. I do walk the talk ya know:)
Other News:
What a day! I have officially lost my glasses. They are somewhere in this house. Very Scary. DH & I have checked everywhere - and no luck. Even the custom officer searching my truck this morning didn't see them. Darn!! lol
After work We bought ten, I repeat TEN tennis balls for the pups. They were in heaven! It was like watching the Easter egg hunt for dogs. Max had 7 in his pile, poor Maggie only had 3. But at least she brings the ball back for you to throw it again *giggles*
I've been officially informed that the Wings Won! Whoohoo!!
It's getting late - I think I'm overtired with all this rambling here,,,,rofl.
Good Night!
Vote for Adam!