Monday, March 10, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

I've been tagged by Shannon! So here it goes...

5 Things you cannot live without under $5:

1. Large Triple Triple

2. Chocolate!!

3. bottled water

4. Milk Bones (no not for me but if I did not have them I'd never see daylight again.....)

5. Kisses from all my loves (DH & furbabies)

5 Favourite movies:

1. Grease

2. Godfather I

3. Godfather II

4. Resident Evil

5. Crank
Baby Names you love (but won't use):
1. Shawn

2. Micheala

3. Rose

4. Jane

5. Lucy (already taken! lol)


1. Frank

2. George

3. Max (Already taken!! lol)

4. Fred

5. Matt
5 Songs you could listen to over and over again:

1. Will save your soul - Jewel

2. Blueberry Hill song by Louis Armstrong

3. Cemetery Gates - Pantera

4. Black Souls - Testament

5. Welcome to the jungle - Guns N Roses
5 People who influenced your life in a positive way:

1. Parents

2. Siblings

3. Mike

4. Jay

5. Helena

5 things that stay in your purse all the time:

1. wallet

2. cell phone

3. passports

4. tokens

5. aspirin

5 moments you knew changed you forever:

1. The day I left town on a bus

2. The moment I realized Grandparents could die

3. The night I met Mike

4 The day I went to "look" at Lucy

5. The moment I saw Max at two days old.......I knew I was in trouble!
5 obsessions you have right now:

1. did the greyhound shit normal?

2. did the greyhound eat?

3. Is the greyhound in pain?

4. Is the greyhound comfortable?

5. Scrapping in an anything goes kind of way.

5 places you would really love to go:

1. Ireland

2. Scotland

3. Grand Canyon

4. Alaska

5. Somewhere flippin WARM!

5 people you would love to see do their top 5:

1. Rhea

2. Michelle

3. Veronica

4. Jen

5. Amanda
Don't forget to post and let me know when you've done it.. I wanna see your answers!!

1 comment:

shannonw said...

Seriously lmao at some of your answers!! Thanks for playin'!!