You have been neglected this last little bit. I've done a lot since May. I'm still not getting along with all of my family. I tried really hard up until August. I had a wonderful bridal shower. Hosted by my mother, my beautiful, oldest, dearest friend in the whole wide world, and a sister that I used to get along with. I'm not really sure why she helped, I'm thinking my Mom had something to do with it. I'm now married. Been to Disney World. Changed my last name. Went down to Part Time Staus at Work. Adjusted to a new normal, with the husband doing shift work (first time for Us), and myself getting used to afternoons. Then came October. A girl quit at work, and another went off sick. Craziness begins. Crazy hours. Literally work, home, sleep. Dogs were mad at me. Then US Thanksgiving. Had a great time. Hosted 10 people, and my house finally looked good. (For a day) Then the busy season hit. Got real busy at work. Became Full time offically again. Christmas. Upset my Mom (but she won't tell), refused to drive 4 hours on Christmas day to see everybody. Took it easy on myself, went to his side on Christmas Day. Went to My side on Boxing day as soon as Mike got home from work. (He left two hours early). Less stress, less people to get upset over. Wish I could see every one on one day.....but in the end this was better. For Us. Less Driving. I actually enjoyed Christmas. I was sad that I could not see everyone, and a tiny bit sad that this is the route I had to go, but in the end, I did it. and I believe I'll do it again next year. I think the time has come that I can't be at my parents bright and early Christmas Morning, in my PJ's, raiding my stocking while helping preparing Christmas brunch. I REALLY missed Christmas brunch! lol and its soooo much fun to hand out the presents and watch everyone open them. Its my favorite part. keep my sanity I choose to go to my hubby's side. It was a lot of fun too. New traditions for a new life. Sometimes its hard to grow up. Sometimes I wish my sister would. Then we might get along again. Then again, maybe we wouldn't.
So here it is January. In the Year 2011. I've got a new last name, I still feel the same. I'm (finally) combining our household after 5 years, learning to live as an "US", instead of a ME. I'm really looking forward to 2011. Lots of Love, Learning and Laughter in my future. I can feel it:)
I'm proud of the fact that I figured out how to get my wordpress blog here in blogger world. So its all under one roof now. I'm still a forum moderator at Art Freckles. I love it. I promise to update this blog more frequently. I promise to watch my sugar levels. I promise to treat myself right this year, both mentally & physically. I promise to get those Thank you notes worked on! This Month! I also promise to take down that damm Christmas Tree! and lastly I promise to FINALLY get my craft room in order. I'm itching.....may I repeat that... ITCHING to scrap!!
Till next time!